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Arti dari sifat qudrat adalah?

Mrs. Dina : Good morning.Richard : Morning. What’s for breakfast?Mrs. Dina : The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Coffee, if you want.Richard : I think I’ll just have cereal for a change.Mrs. Dina : Help yourself. The cereal and sugar are on the table. The milk’s in the refrigerator.Richard : I have to go now, see you mom.Mrs. Dina : Take care, dear.Richard : OK. “Take care, dear.”What is the writer intention by using that expression?

Mrs. Dina : Good morning.Richard : Morning. What’s for breakfast?Mrs. Dina : The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Coffee, if you want.Richard : I think I’ll just have cereal for a change.Mrs. Dina : Help yourself. The cereal and sugar are on the table. The milk’s in the refrigerator.Richard : I have to go now, see you mom.Mrs. Dina : Take care, dear.Richard : OK. “Take care, dear.”What is the writer intention by using that expression?

  1. To begin a discussion with the others.
  2. To start a conversation with the others.
  3. To have a warm welcome with the others.
  4. To ask permissions to end the conversation.
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: D. To ask permissions to end the conversation..

TRENDING :  Dibawah ini yang bukan tujuan pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana kantor adalah?

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, mrs. dina : good morning.richard : morning. what’s for breakfastmrs. dina : the usual. eggs, toast, and cereal. coffee, if you want.richard : i think i’ll just have cereal for a change.mrs. dina : help yourself. the cereal and sugar are on the table. the milk’s in the refrigerator.richard : i have to go now, see you mom.mrs. dina : take care, dear.richard : ok. “take care, dear.”what is the writer intention by using that expression to ask permissions to end the conversation..


Itulah jawaban terbaik atas pertanyaan Mrs. Dina : Good morning.Richard : Morning. What’s for breakfast?Mrs. Dina : The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Coffee, if you want.Richard : I think I’ll just have cereal for a change.Mrs. Dina : Help yourself. The cereal and sugar are on the table. The milk’s in the refrigerator.Richard : I have to go now, see you mom.Mrs. Dina : Take care, dear.Richard : OK. “Take care, dear.”What is the writer intention by using that expression?, semoga tulisan ini cukup bisa membantu kamu untuk menyelesaikan dan juga memahami tugas pertanyaan dari guru kamu.

TRENDING :  dimana para pihak menyerahkan penyelesaian sengketanya kepada seseorang atau beberapa orang yang bukan lembaga arbitrase untuk diputuskan. hal ini merupakan pengertian dari?

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Semangat terus untk menggapai semua cita-cita. Yakinkan diri bahwasanya ‘Usaha Tak Akan Menghianati Hasil’. Terus belajar dan jangan lupa berdoa kepada Tuhan YME, agar supaya apa yang kamu inginkan segera terjawab dan dikabulkan oleh Nya.

Sekian dan wassalam.

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