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The text is for questions. It was Thursday evening. All family members are at my parent’s house. My parents invited my uncle, my sister, my brother and me for their twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Everyone was busy to prepare the family party. Suddenly the rain poured heavily and a few minutes later the light was off. When the light was off, my brother was roasting the lamb, my sister was putting all the plates, spoons, forks and was preparing the table with food, and I was helping my mother decorate the cake and candles. Fortunately, my uncle called and when I told him what was happening, he said he would come with emergency lights. In the dark, my father looked for other candles and lit some of them. When my uncle arrived, we were still setting up the table. He turned the emergency lights on. Under the dim light, we were ready to sit around the table full of food. My father lit the candle and together with my mother they blew out the candle and we clapped, sang, and prayed for their health and happiness. Then we started to enjoy the food. While we were having the food, the light was on again. We cheered and clapped once again. Why did the writer write this text?

The text is for questions. It was Thursday evening. All family members are at my parent’s house. My parents invited my uncle, my sister, my brother and me for their twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Everyone was busy to prepare the family party. Suddenly the rain poured heavily and a few minutes later the light was off. When the light was off, my brother was roasting the lamb, my sister was putting all the plates, spoons, forks and was preparing the table with food, and I was helping my mother decorate the cake and candles. Fortunately, my uncle called and when I told him what was happening, he said he would come with emergency lights. In the dark, my father looked for other candles and lit some of them. When my uncle arrived, we were still setting up the table. He turned the emergency lights on. Under the dim light, we were ready to sit around the table full of food. My father lit the candle and together with my mother they blew out the candle and we clapped, sang, and prayed for their health and happiness. Then we started to enjoy the food. While we were having the food, the light was on again. We cheered and clapped once again. Why did the writer write this text?

  1. To introduce his family
  2. To describe how his father was
  3. To retell the experience in a party
  4. To amuse the reader with a horror story
  5. Semua jawaban benar
TRENDING :  Aminah memakai sepatu yang dibelikan oleh ayahnya. Aminah menggunakannya dengan hati-hati dan menyimpannya ketika sudah digunakan dan merawatnya. Aminah ... di rumah?

Jawaban: C. To retell the experience in a party.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, the text is for questions. it was thursday evening. all family members are at my parent’s house. my parents invited my uncle, my sister, my brother and me for their twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. everyone was busy to prepare the family party. suddenly the rain poured heavily and a few minutes later the light was off. when the light was off, my brother was roasting the lamb, my sister was putting all the plates, spoons, forks and was preparing the table with food, and i was helping my mother decorate the cake and candles. fortunately, my uncle called and when i told him what was happening, he said he would come with emergency lights. in the dark, my father looked for other candles and lit some of them. when my uncle arrived, we were still setting up the table. he turned the emergency lights on. under the dim light, we were ready to sit around the table full of food. my father lit the candle and together with my mother they blew out the candle and we clapped, sang, and prayed for their health and happiness. then we started to enjoy the food. while we were having the food, the light was on again. we cheered and clapped once again. why did the writer write this text to retell the experience in a party.

TRENDING :  Sikap yang harus dikembangkan dalam menciptakan persatuan di tengah keberagaman masyarakat adalah?


Itulah jawaban terbaik atas pertanyaan The text is for questions. It was Thursday evening. All family members are at my parent’s house. My parents invited my uncle, my sister, my brother and me for their twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Everyone was busy to prepare the family party. Suddenly the rain poured heavily and a few minutes later the light was off. When the light was off, my brother was roasting the lamb, my sister was putting all the plates, spoons, forks and was preparing the table with food, and I was helping my mother decorate the cake and candles. Fortunately, my uncle called and when I told him what was happening, he said he would come with emergency lights. In the dark, my father looked for other candles and lit some of them. When my uncle arrived, we were still setting up the table. He turned the emergency lights on. Under the dim light, we were ready to sit around the table full of food. My father lit the candle and together with my mother they blew out the candle and we clapped, sang, and prayed for their health and happiness. Then we started to enjoy the food. While we were having the food, the light was on again. We cheered and clapped once again. Why did the writer write this text?, semoga tulisan ini cukup bisa membantu kamu untuk menyelesaikan dan juga memahami tugas pertanyaan dari guru kamu.

TRENDING :  Pihak yang memerlukan informasi akuntansi untuk mengambil keputusan tentang perlu tidaknya menanamkan modal di perusahaan adalah?

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Pesan Author

Semangat terus untk menggapai semua cita-cita. Yakinkan diri bahwasanya ‘Usaha Tak Akan Menghianati Hasil’. Terus belajar dan jangan lupa berdoa kepada Tuhan YME, agar supaya apa yang kamu inginkan segera terjawab dan dikabulkan oleh Nya.

Sekian dan wassalam.

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