Arti dari sifat qudrat adalah?

Vira went to Jakarta a week ago. The first place she visited was Monas. She went to the top of Monas by lift. She enjoyed the view of Jakarta City from there. Then, she took a busway to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. There, she visited the museum of science and technology. She also rode a cable car. After that, she went to Ancol. She saw people riding jet-sky. In the evening, she went to her aunt’s house in Jakarta. She felt tired but happy. How did Vera get to the top of Monas?

Vira went to Jakarta a week ago. The first place she visited was Monas. She went to the top of Monas by lift. She enjoyed the view of Jakarta City from there. Then, she took a busway to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. There, she visited the museum of science and technology. She also rode a cable car. After that, she went to Ancol. She saw people riding jet-sky. In the evening, she went to her aunt’s house in Jakarta. She felt tired but happy. How did Vera get to the top of Monas?

  1. By lift
  2. By ladder
  3. By busway
  4. By car
  5. Semua jawaban benar
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Jawaban: A. By lift.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, vira went to jakarta a week ago. the first place she visited was monas. she went to the top of monas by lift. she enjoyed the view of jakarta city from there. then, she took a busway to taman mini indonesia indah. there, she visited the museum of science and technology. she also rode a cable car. after that, she went to ancol. she saw people riding jet-sky. in the evening, she went to her aunt’s house in jakarta. she felt tired but happy. how did vera get to the top of monas by lift.


Itulah jawaban terbaik atas pertanyaan Vira went to Jakarta a week ago. The first place she visited was Monas. She went to the top of Monas by lift. She enjoyed the view of Jakarta City from there. Then, she took a busway to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. There, she visited the museum of science and technology. She also rode a cable car. After that, she went to Ancol. She saw people riding jet-sky. In the evening, she went to her aunt’s house in Jakarta. She felt tired but happy. How did Vera get to the top of Monas?, semoga tulisan ini cukup bisa membantu kamu untuk menyelesaikan dan juga memahami tugas pertanyaan dari guru kamu.

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Semangat terus untk menggapai semua cita-cita. Yakinkan diri bahwasanya ‘Usaha Tak Akan Menghianati Hasil’. Terus belajar dan jangan lupa berdoa kepada Tuhan YME, agar supaya apa yang kamu inginkan segera terjawab dan dikabulkan oleh Nya.

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